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Creativity and Leadership

2Roads-blogs (6)Great leadership can create a better work world, and setting examples as a great leader shows others the skills they need to succeed. Leadership and management come hand-in-hand. Leaders must have the ability to pass down the company’s values while effectively setting the attitude for the entire team. Nowadays, companies look for leaders who not only prioritize and assign projects, they want leaders who organize for creativity.

Here are reasons leadership success depends on creativity:

One priority of leadership is to engage the right people to the right degree of creative work. By allowing for a more open-minded environment, employees are are challenged to contribute imagination. The greatest successes come from individuals’ own initiatives.

By encouraging collaboration, you’re eliminating a centralized organization and creating a more interdependent network. Leaders, in this case, must be able to identify all powerful people in a hierarchal structure so that the differences in statuses don’t impede the sharing of ideas.

Innovation in creative fields is most prominent where there is diversity in backgrounds, social identities, and areas of expertise. Diversity and the sharing of ideas is often the solution to many complex problems. The collaboration of many creative minds can produce breakthroughs. It’s important for leaders to enhance diversity and encourage identity integration.

Management through great leadership is an innovative method of sparking creativity amongst a diversified team. The key is to organize for creativity.
